CG1BQ50-M9554-150 日本smc燒結金屬濾芯
1. Tensile strength
The elements are made of porous material with voids inside.
Therefore their tensile strength compared to conventional
stainless steel or bronze products is lower by a factor of one
or two magnitudes. Depending on the application conditions,
reinforcing material may be required. Use punched metal or
similar for reinforcement.
2. Operating temperature
The operating temperature range given in the specifications
(page 842) is the range in which material strength does not
deteriorate significantly.
In an oxidizing atmosphere (atmospheric air), the temperature
point where oxidization and discoloring begins is 100°C
for bronze elements and 250°C for stainless steel elements.
3. Wrench sleeve
For elements equipped with a fitting, provide a wrench sleeve
at the fitting. If the element is grasped directly with a tool, the
element may be damaged or destroyed.
4. Fatigue breakdown
Fatigue breakdown may occur under the following conditions:
1) Element is subject to vibrations
2) Element is subject to cyclic thermal expansion and contraction
In such cases, use suitable countermeasures such as vibration
dampers or punched metal reinforcements to support the
element, or employ a construction that absorbs thermal expansion
and contraction.
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄